Join Us
The Haight Ashbury Community Nursery School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or address. We aim for balance in terms of gender, age, and any special needs. Apply early to be placed on the school's waitlist.
Application Requirements
Applicants should be between 2.5 and 5 years old by the first day of school. They should also be safe on the playground equipment and be able to communicate basic needs. Children need not be potty trained.
Tuition covers the cost of school operations and is paid monthly from August through May, and we do not prorate for shorter months. Tuition is currently set at $600 per month, and there are no additional fees for fundraising expectations for member families.
Grattan Playground
We do not schedule formal tours, but drop-in visits with your child during regular school hours are most welcome. Come and meet our director, Cocoa Drake, and see how our school operates. No appointment is necessary.
Please print and either mail or drop by with a completed copy of our application form, which can be found here.
For questions, inquiries or follow-up related to admission, please email us at: